On December 12, 2023 a policy was passed to ensure that its members have one personal player profile within the Pickleball Brackets software. It is imperative for the integrity of the player data in Pickleball Brackets (including the Canadian Tournament Player Rating (CTPR) and Pickleball Brackets Ratings [PBR]) that duplicate profile for the same player do not exist within Brackets. Pickleball Canada will monitor and identify duplicate player profiles in Pickleball Brackets account, and take action to ensure each Pickleball Canada member has only one player profile in the software.
- Pickleball Canada will advise the player with the duplicate profiles that they will be merged in Pickleball Brackets, and, if appropriate, ask the player of their preferred email address to use the merged account.
- Pickleball Canada will then request that Pickleball Brackets merge the duplicate profiles.
When Pickleball Canada identifies members who create a duplicate profile for a second or subsequent time, PCO may impose consequences.
Potential consequences for the Pickleball Canada member include:
- A written warning;
- A temporary (3-month) suspension from Pickleball Canada sanctioned tournaments
The data integrity of the CTPR is enhanced by ensuring duplicate profiles in Pickleball Brackets do not exist, and that the performance history of each Pickleball Canada member is consolidated under one Pickleball Brackets profile.
Please make sure you read the full policy which can be found online.