May 29, 2024
To: Pickleball Canada Membership
From: Barry Petrachenko, Executive Director
Copies: Provincial and Territorial Sport Organizations Affiliated Club, Board of Directors
Subject: Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting
Pickleball Canada’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 7:00 pm ET.
Registration Information:
To attend and be eligible to vote at the AGM, Pickleball Canada members must register in advance. Please click here to register for the AGM.
Please note the following when registering:
- Delegates must have an active Pickleball Canada membership at the time of registration.
- The email address provided at the time of registration will be used for electronic voting purposes, and delegates may not share an email address – each delegate must be registered under a unique email address.
- Delegates will receive a confirmation email upon successful completion of their registration, and any questions regarding the registration process can be directed to our staff at info@pickleballcanada.org.
- Registration for the AGM closes on Monday, June 24, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET.
Meeting Information:
Registered members will receive additional information including the Zoom meeting link, attendance and voting instructions, rules of procedure, and Director nominee information after registration has closed.
Translation services will be provided in French and English.
Further information on the voting system will be sent out to all registered individuals.
Proxy Voting – Members may vote by proxy, within the following guidelines:
- Per Pickleball Canada By-law 3.14a, notification of proxy must be submitted via the following form (link to submit) prior to 4:30pm ET on Friday, June 20, 2024.
- Notification of proxy must include the Member’s name and membership number as well as the name and email address of the individual to whom the proxy is given.
- No individual may hold more than one proxy vote.
Notice of Motion – By-Law 1.3 Adjustment:
At the 2024 AGM there will be a motion to change By-Law 1.3:
The motion will state:
Move to change the location of Pickleball Canada’s registered office as stated in By-Law 1.3 from British Columbia to Ontario – “1.3 Registered office – The Registered Office of the Corporation will be located in the province of Ontario are such address as the Board may determine”.
Rational behind the motion:
This is a general housekeeping change. The BC address was a previous Board member’s home address that was to be used temporarily while they were on the PCO Board. The By-laws have not been updated even after PCO relocated and opened a physical office at 2451 Riverside Dr., Ottawa, ON K1H 7X7. As per Articles of the Corporation change and within the PCO Bylaw 10.1 b) Change the province in which the Corporation’s Registered Office is situated, a vote by the Special Resolution vote may be required to update this By-law.
Note: By-law 1.2 n) Special Resolution – a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the votes cast on that resolution.
Other Key Documents:
2024 Annual General Meeting Agenda
2023 Annual General Meeting Minutes – DRAFT