August 19, 2021
Val Vollmin

On Friday August 13, 2021, during the 2021 Pickleball Canada Nationals, President Karen Rust, on behalf of the Board of Directors of Pickleball Canada (and its 23,000 members) recognized Val Vollmin for her leadership in the development and growth of the sport in Canada. Through her vision, passion, spirit and tenacity, Val helped introduce pickleball to thousands of Canadians.

Val actively promoted the formation of Pickleball Alberta and also served as president of Pickleball Canada, as well as acting as an international ambassador for the sport. As president of the Red Deer Pickleball Club for five years, she delivered clinics in Ponoka, Drayton Valley and other central Alberta communities.

Remarkably, Val has been a pickleball leader and a feisty mover and shaker at four levels — local, provincial, national and global! Through her dedication and hard work, Val has played a big part in building the foundation for the growth and development of our sport.

Thank you, Val, for your outstanding contributions!