Program Authority

There are 3 levels of authority for the program – national, provincial/territorial and club. Each has a role to play in the program’s development and operational needs.


Pickleball Canada maintains jurisdiction over the development of the overall officiating program including the provision of website services for much of the required information dissemination. Basic training and testing procedures and applications are also developed and maintained at the national level. Pickleball Canada will maintain a central registry of individuals granted official referee status.

National Leader of Officiating

  • Has broad responsibly with respect to referee development programs
  • Has broad responsibility with respect to rule changes and implementation of rules
  • Has broad responsibly with respect to tournament officiating
  • May liaise with other organizations with respect to any or all officiating matters

National Officiating Advisory Council

The Council will be comprised of one representative appointed by each affiliated Province/Territory. Additional resources may be appointed to the National Officiating Advisory Council with the recommendation of the members and the approval of the National Leader of Officiating.

Council members will:

  • Work with the National Leader of Officiating on program reviews and development issues.
  • Keep their Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization informed and involved in the officiating program
  • Consult with the National Leader of Officiating on all officiating development matters
  • Communicate to the National Leader of Officiating significant advances within their Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization with respect to officiating
  • Encourage the use of accredited referees in all tournament matches
  • Be the official communications conduit to and from the National Leader of Officiating

Provincial/Territorial Contacts

British ColumbiaRick
ManitobaPaul Aquin
New BrunswickDenis
Nova ScotiaAngela
Prince Edward IslandDoris
Newfoundland & LabradorMark McGowan
Northwest TerritoriesBarbara
Pickleball CanadaAlan

Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations

Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations have sole responsibility for all aspects of the delivery of the PCO Officiating Program as it pertains to recruiting, training, maintenance of qualifications and assignment of duties. Awarding, and maintenance of all levels of Referee Credentials are to be handled in accordance with the “Officiating Program Overview Document” and are the purview of the National Leader of Officiating and the Officiating Advisory Council.

Each Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization, on their own or in conjunction with other Provinces/Territories, should assign a Provincial/Territorial Leader of Officiating to manage the officiating program in their jurisdictional area.

Provincial/Territorial Leader of Officiating

  • Oversee the delivery of the officiating program within their Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization
  • Encourage the development of the officiating program in all areas of their Province/Territory
  • Final authority for vetting individual(s) before any officiating status is granted
  • Encourage Clubs to take an active role in the development of the officiating program
  • Responsible for:
    • Training coordination
    • Reporting certification results to PCO National Leader of Officiating
    • Granting authority to clubs or individuals (Officiating Trainers) to deliver the program, including all vetting requirements and reporting procedures
  • Serve on the National Officiating Advisory Council

Officiating Trainers and Mentors

Provinces should fill the following roles:

Level 2 Mentor(s)
  • Experienced Level 2 Referee or Certified Referee
  • Designation granted by Provincial/Territorial Leader of Officiating
  • Will work with aspiring Level 1 & 2 Referees, mentoring court side
  • May be required to assist in training program delivery including reporting aspects 
  • Will follow participants thru to successful level 1 & 2 achievement
Level 2 Trainer(s)
  • Experienced Level 2 Referee or Certified Referee
  • Designation granted by Provincial/Territorial Leader of Officiating
  • May deliver training to early stage entrants to the program
  • Can award participants Level 1 Referee accreditation
  • Can train and mentor Level 2 Mentors
  • Will record and report on participant’s progress
Certified Referee Trainer(s)
  • Must be a Certified Referee
  • Designation confirmed by Provincial/Territorial Leader of Officiating
  • All Level 2 Trainer responsibilities ‘plus’
  • Can award Level 1 and 2 Referee accreditation
  • Able to recommend Level 2 Referees to the Certified Referee program

Club Level

It is at the Club level that most of the delivery of the officiating program will take place.

The local clubs can help by:

  • Designating court time or play opportunities where game officiating is practiced
  • Encouraging the use of recognized officials for all tournament play

Club Leader of Officiating

  • Have achieved Level 2 Referee status and has remained current
  • CLOs need recognition by the Provincial/Territory Leader of Officiating
  • Responsible for referee development at the local level
  • Delivers the program as part of the overall PCO Officiating Program
  • Uses the program materials developed by the PCO
  • Report results to the Province/Territory Leader of Officiating
  • Communicate with their Provincial/Territorial association to maintain currency with program developments and requirements
  • Be willing to provide assistance to the Provincial/Territory Leader of Officiating as requested

In areas where no formal or affiliated Club exists, the Province/Territory may assign an individual the same authority as a person for the delivery and maintenance of the officiating program.