President's Message
Jim Parrott

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and took time to reflect on life, family and friends, and oh yes maybe pickleball as well.
At the time of writing this article, I sent each of you a notice of a fee increase, along with justification and reasoning. I thank you for your continued support for the Pickleball Canada Board with its Govern, Grow and Develop initiatives, all for the betterment of pickleball in Canada.
Our initiatives are all outlined in our Strategic Plan: (, covering the next three years. The Board spent a lot of time researching and benchmarking various sports organizations and we feel that the resulting plan is succinct and identifies where we need to go in the future to be an ideal sports organization, while capturing the needs of the player and taking action to make our pickleball community and environment more equitable, diverse and inclusive.
One initiative that is very important and will benefit all levels (national, provincial/territorial, club and individual) is the new National System. Kirk Jensen has provided an update in this edition. I look forward to its launch.
In closing, we have just experienced a year that has affected everyone to varying degrees, and I hope that 2021 will bring us all back to some new level of normalcy.
Hope to see many of you on the courts some time.
Jim Parrott